Sunday, July 26, 2009

What Have I Been Up To?

I apologize for the hiatus - I've been very busy working as an intern .....

(which includes tasks like writing this, this, this and this AND mailing

books to some of you bloggers out there!!!)


ANovelMenagerie said...


bermudaonion said...

Oh, how exciting! I hope you're having a great time and learning lots!

Cathy said...

Congratulations - this sounds great! Good luck!

shawn said...

When I saw your posts it brought tears to my eyes. I am so proud of you. I knew you could do it!

avisannschild said...

Wow, that's fantastic, Sheri! I'll keep an eye out for your name since I read that blog regularly!

Becca said...

That's so cool! I hope you are having a great time!

cindysloveofbooks said...

Sheri sounds like you are having a blast. How long does the internship last? Just to think you might have been the one mailing me some books lately. You will have to put a hi on the package so I know its from you.

Enjoy and hope your having fun and learning lots.