*edit: I would like to dedicate this edition of the Booksworms Carnival to the memory of the founder and organizer of the Bookworms Carnival, Dewey of The Hidden Side of the Leaf, who passed away last week. Dewey was an incredibly active and dedicated member of the blogging community and her presence will surely be missed by all. My condolences go out to her family - they are in my thoughts and prayers.
To start us off, Ali has written a general post about memoirs that discusses the increasing popularity of the memoir and what makes a memoir successful
Nigel also has a general post about memoirs, which contemplates the controversies over Memoir Hoaxes caused by Publishers Favouring ‘Fact’ over Fiction

Dawn reviews Beautiful Boy: A Father’s Journey Through His Son’s Addiction by David Sheff, an account of the other’s response to his son’s addiction to methamphetamines and the challenges and hopes that accompany the loved one of a drug addict

Within this topic there are the popular memoirs (two reviews for the price of one ; )

Lightheaded’s review of Running with Scissors
Michele’s review of Running with Scissors

An Exact Replica of A Figment of My Imagination by Elizabeth McCracken - Elizabeth McCracken’s memoir talks of the loss of her child in her ninth month of pregnancy and how she dealt with her grief
Wendy’s review of An Exact Replica of A Figment of My Imagination
Shana’s review of An Exact Replica of a Figment of My Imagination

Hurry Down Sunshine by Michael Greenberg - Michael Greenberg shares the events of his teenage daughter’s psychotic breakdown due to bipolar disorder, which typically only arises in early adulthood
Nicole’s review of Hurry Down Sunshine
Dawn’s review of Hurry Down Sunshine

Lightheaded also has a review of Dispatches from the Edge by Anderson Cooper, which centers around the author’s pain of losing his father at a young age combined with his personal and professional experiences of war and natural disasters that he has encountered

Shana reviews Monique and the Mango Rains by Kris Holloway, about the years the author stayed in Mali, West Africa volunteering for the Peace Corps and the people and country that has a profound effect upon her

Wendy reviews Laughing Without An Accent by Firoozeh Dumas, which is a funny and insightful memoir about an Iranian being raised in America

Gautami reviews The Dark Child by Camara Laye, a memoir that reads like a novel and focuses on the author’s life in French Guinea, with its rituals and traditions, while being faced with the dilemma of wanting to achieve academic success far away from home

Gautami also reviews Once Upon a Time When We Were Coloured by Clifton L. Taulbert, about the author’s life in Mississippi, the community and family and the difficulty of segregation between Black and White people

Rebecca reviews Why Women Should Rule the World by Dee Dee Myers, which is more than a memoir because it is also the examination of the state of women in general and in positions of leadership worldwide

Bluzica features an interest excerpt from My Autobiography by Charlie Chaplin

Teddy reviews Tabasco the Saucy Raccoon by Lyn Hancock, an adorable story of a raccoon raised by the author nearly 30 years ago, intended for ages 9-12, but suitable for anyone young at heart

Dewey talks about Maus and Maus II by Art Spiegelman, in which the author interviews his father about his experiences during the Holocaust

The next Bookworms Carnival editions:
Edition 19 hosted by: Jackie at Literary Escapism
Edition 20 hosted by: Marcia